Rockford Radisson Hotel & Convention Center
Professor Karen Baker has been on the Dental College faculty at the University of Iowa for 40 years and occupies a unique role in dental practice and education. She is a clinical pharmacist with a Master’s degree in Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics and is focused on patient-specific dental drug therapy. She has given well over a thousand invited programs nationally and internationally and holds memberships in many dental and clinical pharmacology and therapeutics organizations. Her dental education-based pharmacy and drug therapy consultation is the only one in the United States. She has authored more than 50 articles and abstracts and lectures extensively in pre-doctoral and graduate courses at the University of Iowa.
The range of drug therapy options available to dental practitioners has greatly expanded over the last ten years. This expansion has opened the door to unprecedented therapeutic successes as well as disastrous drug misadventures. This course will update the dental team on recent developments in dental pharmacotherapy, while providing strategies for prescribing to ensure therapeutic success. Drug therapy and alternative medicine reference sources will be listed and critiqued as to usefulness in daily practice. Clinically relevant information about effectiveness, adverse effects, patient specific drug selection criteria, dosing and cost will be presented for therapeutic agents commonly used in dentistry. Systemic antibiotics, anxiolytics, analgesics and mucosal disease agents will be evaluated and discussed. Specific attention will be given to certain controversial areas including antibiotic premedication of joint replacement patients and office management of dental anxiety. Potentially dangerous drug and supplement interactions important in clinical dentistry will be listed and reviewed, with emphasis on avoidance and patient management strategies. Extensive and very current handouts will be provided to maximize the chairside value of this fast-paced and entertaining course.
After attending this course and reviewing the handouts, the participant should be able to:
1. Buy and easily use the best drug and alternative medicine references for dental practice
2. Choose the most cost-effective antibiotic or anxiolytic for a specific patient.
3. Prescribe antibiotic premedication for certain patients with a variety of implants and conditions based on screening criteria and current evidence.
4. Prescribe innovative topical and systemic therapies for both inflammatory and infectious mucositis patients.
5. Choose an analgesic NSAID regimen based on relative adverse effects, drug interactions, efficacy for pain vs. inflammation, and patient tolerability
6. Discuss the analgesic efficacy and dental concerns with CBD, THC, kratom, and
7. Enhance the analgesic effects of opioid analgesics while minimizing their adverse effects and abuse potential.
7 hours of lecture credit may be used towards FAGD, MAGD or re-licensure for dentists and hygienists.
8:00a.m. – 8:30a.m. Registration
8:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Lecture
12:00 p.m. – 12:30 p.m. Lunch
12:30 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. Lecture
Return the completed form with your check payable to Northern Illinois Academy of General Dentistry to :
Stephen Petras, DMD, MAGD, FICOI
120 W. Front Avenue
Stockton, IL 61085
Phone: (815) 947-3700
Fax: (815) 947-9058
[email protected]
AGD Member Non-AGD Member
REGISTRATION FORM (Copy and send this form, with a check made out to NIAGD, to Dr. Petras. If paying with a credit card, Jamie will register you over the phone.)
• When Registering, please note if you require a vegetarian option for lunch!
Dentist or first person $275.00 $325.00
from office
First additional staff member $100.00
Each additional staff member $75.00
Total Number Attending ________ Total Vegetarian meals _____
Amount Enclosed _________________________
Signature ________________________________
Please Print:
Name: ______________________________________
AGD No. _______________________________
Name: ______________________________________
AGD No. _______________________________
For credit card payment:
Jamie Petras
NIAGD Executive Secretary
[email protected]
Address: _____________________________
City, State, Zip: _______________________________
Office Phone: _________________________________
E-Mail Address: ______________________________
For information contact:
Stephen Petras, DMD,MAGD, FICOI
Phone: (815) 947-3700
Fax: (815) 947-9058
E-mail: [email protected] OR [email protected]
Presenting a program of this nature is a group effort, and would not be possible without the assistance of many individuals and companies. A complete listing of contributing companies will be available at the program site.