Illinois AGD e-Advisor Newsletter 2014 Spring Edition
President’s Message
By Dr. Cheryl Mora
President, ILAGD
Dr. Cheryl Mora
The members of the Illinois Academy of General Dentistry, as of January 1, have honored me with the opportunity to serve as your 2014 President. I also serve as your membership co-chair with Dr. Sue Bishop, therefore, one of my primary foci is on growing our membership in Illinois. Meeting the needs of the IL AGD membership has always been a fundamental goal of your volunteer leaders. So here are some of the things AGD does for you.
Continuing Education: IL AGD and its components are offering over 15 CE courses this year. Six of these are hands-on participation courses where you will learn skills you can use in your office the next day. AGD National offers hands-on participation courses, informative lectures, and an innovative Exhibit Hall at the AGD Annual Meeting & Exhibits, June 26-29th which is in Detroit this year.
Advocacy & Representation: AGD advocates exclusively for the general dentist at the state and federal levels. Through action alerts, state legislative meetings and an annual trip to Capitol Hill, your IL AGD volunteer leaders are protecting the interests of your profession and the patients you serve.
Achievement Awards: Distinguish yourself in the profession through the only achievement-based awards in general dentistry—the prestigious Fellowship (FAGD) and Mastership (MAGD) Awards. You can also track your progress toward Fellowship or Mastership with the AGD Award Transcript. AGD also keeps track of your state’s CE licensing requirements and how many hours of CE the member has accrued on the path to that goal. That information is available from AGD National.
Award Winning Publications: Take the latest dental news and research with you wherever you go with subscriptions to AGD’s premier publications-the AGD Impact and General Dentistry. They are both available in print and in digital formats. AGD Impact will keep you current on general dentistry news, while the clinical journal, General Dentistry, will inform you of all the latest advancements in the field.
The list of benefits you receive as a member in the AGD goes on-see the complete list here, but we are not getting the word out to our colleagues. Membership of general dentists in the AGD has declined slightly in the past year. This trend is not unique to AGD as other organizations are also experiencing a decline in the membership of general dentists. If we as a profession want to have a strong voice that others will listen to we must not take our membership lightly. Your volunteer leaders in IL AGD are working very hard to create programs that will recruit new members and retain our current members– but we need your help! We need you to talk to your non-member colleagues. Tell them why you belong to AGD and the value of membership to your practice and your patients. Get the word out! Invite your colleagues, both young and seasoned, to an AGD CE course so they can experience the camaraderie and networking opportunities while at an excellent CE course.
Thank you again for giving me this opportunity to serve as your IL AGD president.I will do my very best to make IL AGD the great organization that all general dentists in our state will want to be a part of.
2014 Grads and Residents: Sign Up Today for Professional Liability Coverage, Compliments of the AGD
The Academy of General Dentistry (AGD) is excited to unveil its latest member benefit: AGD New Graduate Professional Liability Insurance Coverage! Available exclusively to qualified* AGD members graduating from dental school or completing an accredited general practice residency program in 2014, AGD New Graduate Professional Liability Insurance Coverage offers up to 12 months of coverage at no cost to you. The cost of coverage is assumed by the AGD and is available through Dentist’s Advantage, an AGD Member Savings & Offers program participant and Lead Corporate Sponsor.
Along with easy and affordable practice protection, your Dentist’s Advantage policy will offer coverage limits of $1 million/$3 million and comprehensive risk management support, as well as additional program benefits such as a legal team specialized in dental malpractice, a dedicated claims consultant, and personalized claims management.
What’s more, you can continue to save money beyond your first year of practice. By renewing your Dentist’s Advantage policy, you can enjoy possible premium credits for as long as you maintain your AGD membership and earn additional credits by achieving the prestigious AGD Fellowship and Mastership awards.
Policy coverage will be effective May 1, 2014, through April 30, 2015,** so plan ahead to secure the professional liability protection and financial savings you should have for a rewarding first year of practice. Visit to enroll in AGD New Graduate Professional Liability Insurance Coverage today!
If you have questions or would like more information regarding AGD New Graduate Professional Liability Insurance Coverage, email [email protected].
*To qualify for AGD New Graduate Professional Liability Insurance Coverage, you must graduate from an accredited U.S. or Canadian dental school or complete an accredited U.S. or Canadian general practice residency program between Jan. 1 and Dec. 31, 2014; be entering your first year of licensed dental practice in the U.S.; be an active AGD member at the time of enrollment; and maintain active AGD membership through Dec. 31, 2014.
**Effective dates are valid if qualified applicant enrolls by April 30, 2014; for those who sign up after this date, coverage applies from the enrollment date through April 30, 2015.
llinois Academy of General Dentistry Presents
Twenty-first Annual Ted Weclew Memorial Lecture
By Dr. William Lawley
On February 19, 2014 ninety-two dentists,staff and students gathered in the ADA Auditorium for a fascinating, interactive and information filled lecture by Dr. Lee Ann Brady on Contemporary Solutions for Restorative Dentistry. Dr. Brady earned her D.M.D. degree from the University of Florida College of Dentistry. She was invited to join the Pankey Institute in 2005 as their first female resident faculty member and was soon promoted to Clinical Director. In 2008, she joined Dr. Frank Spear as the Executive VP of Clinical Education. She currently teaches at the University of Florida College of Dentistry Department of Continuing Education and is a guest presenter at The Pankey Institute when not at Desert Sun Smiles Dental Care, her private restorative practice in Glendale, Arizona. She is recognized by Dental Products Reportas one of the “Top 25 Women Dentists in the U.S.” in the category of dental educators and is well published.
Dr Brady discussed various topics for the restorative dentist from direct to indirect restorations. With respect to direct restorations she discussed prep design,etching, and filling of composite restorations. It was stated to try to keep margins in enamel even if a j-prep is needed. Success drops off if the gingival marginal floor is in dentin. Best to wash dentin with two percent chlorhexidine gluconate or a five percent glutaraldehyde to prevent bond degradation from MMP(matrix metalloproteinases). MMP’s are to collagen what Nair is to hair thereby creating a weak tooth to bond interface. Because of the many different bonding agents, it is important to follow the manufacturer’s instructions. The composite is placed in angled increments. It is important to note there are four photo initiators- 1.Camphorquinone 2. Phenyl-propanedione 3. Trimethylbenzoyl-diphenylphosphine oxide 4. Ivocerin – and most curing lights are limited in their cure. The new generation of poly wave LED’s will cure all four. When curing the composite, it is important to stay perpendicular and as close as possible to the surface. In placing anterior composites a star burst bevel hides the facial margin the best. A silicone matrix saves time and allows for easy layering of composite for anterior restorations.
Dr. Brady went on to discuss indirect restorations: veneers, full coverage, inlays and onlays. She talked about metal ceramic, lithium dislocate(E-Max) and zirconium(Zirconia) restorations. She went on to discuss retention form and resistance form and their importance when deciding to bond or cement the restoration. Dr. Brady discussed where to place a cored restoration verses a ceramic, a stacked restoration versus a milled, and a stacked versus a monolithic restoration. She discussed the different designs and parameters for each restoration.
It was a day filled with insightful questions and cutting edge information presented by a well informed master of her craft. A true professional who wanted the attendees to leave with valuable information they could use in their office immediately.
This program is a example of the exemplary continuing education the Illinois AGD and its components provide for its members. Please tell your colleagues of this valuable resource and urge them to become members of our fine organization.
We were visited by members of the national office of the Academy of General Dentistry. President Dr. Linda Edgar addressed the group with President-Elect Dr. W. Carter Brown, Vice President Dr. W. Mark Donald, Secretary Dr. Manny Cordero, and Editor Dr. Roger Winland in attendance. Also addressing the group were representatives from Goldie’s Place a full service dental clinic for the homeless. They were represented by Dr. Brian Homann, Liz Hutchson, and Dr. Scott Miller. Dr. Paula Jones, a Past President of the AGD, talked about the AGD Foundation. Dr. Larry Williams, President-Elect of IL AGD, addressed the group.

Drs. Chuck Martello (lt) and Spencer Bloom (rt)

Drs. Lee Ann Brady (lt) and Muzammil Saeed (rt

Dana Sanzeri (lt) from Ivoclar with Drs. Don Rastede, Steve Petras, Bob Kozelka
• Garrison Dental Solutions represented by Ryan Good donated a Composite Tight won by Dr. Mariya Manora and a Contact Former won by Dr. Spencer Bloom.
• Acoa Construction Company represented by Jason Stulberger and Todd Erdman, JD Legal Services for Dentists donated a hundred dollar gift certificate won by Dr Spencer Bloom.
• Ultra Light Optics represented by Nicole Le donated an Air Mirror won by Dr. Merja Juslin.
• Ivoclar Vivadent represented by Dana Sanzeri
• Dentist Advantage represented by Steph Linquist and Beverly Flynn donated a Canon printer won by Dr. Amy Fuller.
• PNC Bank represented by Jimmy Carrillo donated a hundred dollar gift certificate and won by Dr. Jesse Kunnel.
• Illinois AGD donated a set of scrubs won by Dr. Dan Uditsky.
CAGD Presents Dr. Brian Novy Discussing: “Be very afraid…” (Cariology and Prevention)
By Kate Limardi
Article by: Kate Limardi
On March 14, 2014, forty-five dentists, six hygienists and one dental assistant came together at Maggiano’s Restaurant in Oak Brook, IL to learn about Cariology and Prevention from Dr. Brian Novy.
Dr. Novy began his fascinating cariology lecture with the thought-provoking quote, “It is paradoxical that the hardest of all tissues is so susceptible to lesions in living humans, while it is the most indestructible in the dead.” He explained that caries is the most prevalent disease in the world, and that it affects 99% of humans.
Throughout the lecture, he discussed ways to prevent this disease, besides just prescribing fluoride and recommending a low sugar diet to patients. Dr. Novy said, “Fluoride is for PREVENTION, not for people that already have the disease.”
He said that patients with a high caries risk probably have a low intraoral pH and this has to be addressed to prevent decay. Low intraoral pH leads to growth of aciduric bacteria, growth of acidogenic bacteria, decrease in protective commensals and therefore an overgrowth of cariogenic bacteria. The causative agents are Streptococcus Mutans, Actinomyces Viscosus, Streptococcus Sobrinus and Scardovia.
Saliva composition is a key component to caries risk. The quantity and quality of saliva is important to prevent caries. Sialin is an important protein in saliva that acts as a fertilizer for “good” bacteria.
He recommends completing a caries risk assessment on each patient (including testing for oral pH and flow rate of saliva) and deciding which risk factors need to change. Patients who have chronically acidic oral environments may say that they never like to drink water because they do not like how it tastes. On the other hand, patients with basic oral pH will say that water tastes good and that they can drink it all day long. Patients who have an acidic oral environment will crave sugar-containing drinks.
Dr. Novy discussed the IC-DOS Classification System when detecting caries. It is a scale from 0-3. A “0” signifies that there is no visual change in the grooves of the tooth. A “1” signifies that there is a visual change in the grooves (dentin is unaffected). A “2” signifies that the grooves are darkly stained (50% of the time, the decay has gotten into the dentin). Lastly, a “3” signifies that the grooves are darkly stained with white demineralization surrounding them. If a tooth has a “3” Classification, it requires surgical intervention.
If the patient has a low oral pH, it is recommended that he/she rinse or brush with a small amount of baking soda, to raise the pH. Bottled water has an acidic pH, so adding a pinch of baking soda will make a basic drinking solution. On the other hand, tap water is basic. Also, Dr. Novy recommended a Chlorhexidine rinse and Cervitec Plus Varnish (applied to root surfaces) to prevent decay. If a varnish is to be applied, a prophy must precede it because the biofilm will lessen the effects of the Cervitec (or other varnish).
He mentioned that a Chlorhexidine rinse and fluoride should not be used at the same time because it lowers the efficacy of the products. It is suggested that patients rinse with Chlorhexidine in the morning and then brush with Prevident 5000 at night.
Dr. Novy is a big advocate of the product: MI Paste; Each patient leaves his office with a dab of MI Paste in their mouth. Research shows that it changes the characteristics of the plaque biofilm by increasing pH-raising bacteria, calcium, phosphate, and fluoride. It nurtures the growth of good bacteria in the mouth. It can be used to treat white spot lesions (especially during orthodontic treatment). Other advantages of the MI Paste include its anti-sensitivity and caries prevention characteristics.
Lastly, Dr Novy discussed how to diet counsel our patients. He recommended eating spinach, soy, seafood, and nuts. These foods help prevent caries formation because they contain the amino acid arginine. Xylitol lollipops should be given as the patients leave the office because it works to colonize good bacteria. Greek Yogurt is recommended due to the live bacteria cultures. For patients who want a more holistic approach, you can recommend Cranberry Extract, Grape Fruit Seed Extract, and Licorice Root Extract as anti-caries agents.
The seminar was very entertaining and informative. Everyone had many new tools to bring back to their office to fight caries!
The Chicago AGD would like to thank our sponsors of this seminar:
PNC and GC America
This was the third CAGD seminar of the 2013-2014 season. The following is the remaining course in the seminar series:
• What’s Hot and Getting Hotter: Dr. Howard Glazer presenting on Friday May 16, 2014 at the Rosewood Restaurant in Rosemont, IL.
Please join us at our last seminar of the 2013-2014 season. Register on the Illinois AGD website at
Case Presentations of Fourth Year Dental Students
UIC 2014
On April 1, 2014 Illinois AGD in conjunction with Academy of Dentistry International(ADI) sponsored a Case Presentation Competition for the fourth year dental students. A faculty advisor selected five students from the fourth year class to participate in the competition. They were Zabihula Ahmad, Amanda Sonntag, Stefania Spilotro, Nicole Bartosik and Cassandra McKenzie. All of the students did a great job, and we look forward to welcoming them as colleagues into our profession. The judges were Drs. Larry Williams, Sue Mayer, William Lawley, Theresa Lao, and Cheryl Mora from the ILAGD and Dr. Scott Miller from the Chicago AGD, Drs. Yosif Jabir and Mary Egan-Kramer from Midwestern University and Dr. Michael Dunlop from UIC COD.
All the presentations were exemplary and the students should be proud of themselves for a fine job. Each presentation was judged on seven categories: 1. Comprehensive Exam Results 2. Problem List/Diagnosis, 3. Photographic Images/Casts/Radiographs, 4.Treatment Plan and Rationale, 5.Outcomes and Prognosis, 6. Ability to Answer Questions, 7. Overall Style. There were cash awards presented to the top three presenters. The First Place Award from The Illinois Academy of General Dentistry went to Cassandra McKenzie; Second Place Award went to Amanda Sonntag; Third Place Award went to Nicole Bartosik. The Second and Third Place Awards were sponsored by ADI. Dr. Ricard Tatro, represents ADI and is an ardent supporter of this program, was unfortunately unable to attend this competition.
After the competition the judges and presenters met at Pompeii Restaurant for an informal dinner filled with lively discussion and camaraderie. This is fine way to help welcome these fine men and women into our great profession.

First Place Awardee
Cassandra McKenzie
and Dr. Cheryl Mora

Second Place Awardee
Amanda Sonntag
with Dr. Cheryl Mora

Third Place Awardee
Nicole Bartosik
with Dr. Cheryl Mora

Standing: Drs . William Lawley, Yosif Jabir,
Theresa Lao, Susan Mayer, Mary Egan-Kramer,
Scott Miler, Kate Limardi, and Larry Williams.
Seated: Dr. Cheryl Mora, Zabihulla Ahmad,
Amanda Sonntag, Stefania Spilotro,
Nicole Bartosik, and Cassandra McKenzie

Case Presenters left to right:
Stefania Spilotro, Amanda Sonntag,
Nicole Bartosik, Cassandra McKenzie
and Zabihulla Ahmadi
Enrolling in Auto-Renewal
The Academy of General Dentistry (AGD) Auto-Renewal Program makes it easy to pay your annual AGD membership dues. Once you enroll, the AGD will take care of everything for you. Each October, your annual membership dues will be charged automatically to the credit card you have on file with the AGD. You will receive an email reminder before your card is charged, a receipt once the transaction has taken place, and a notification when the card you have on file is no longer valid. All you have to do is continue enjoying your favorite AGD member benefits.
To enroll today, click here to visit The Academy of General Dentistry Auto-Renewal Program. Or log in to, visit the Membership section, select “My Profile,” and click on “AGD Auto-Renewal Program.” To opt out of the program at any time, simply update your member profile online at