The Central Illinois Academy of General Dentistry (CIAGD) is that component of the Illinois AGD dedicated to providing high quality continuing education to dentists in the central and southern part of the state- in fact- all of Illinois south of Interstate 80! While that is our geography, our speakers are national, and so are our attendees!
We are made up of general dentists just like you; that share your curiosity and eagerness to learn. We are here to help you achieve educational goals and provide great camaraderie. Above all, we are here to listen! Your feedback is essential as we select new course offerings!
Are you interested in CE that costs only $17.50 per credit hour? We have it!! We typically provide two-day participation courses in March, June and November of each year. Each course has a one-day lecture-only option. Please take a look at our upcoming courses and join us soon! We look forward to seeing you!
Curtis Mitchem, DMD, FAGD
Please click the buttons to the right to view the board of directors, or the past presidents of the Central Illinois AGD.
Central Illinois AGD is a component of the statewide Illinois AGD along with Chicago and Northern Illinois AGD.