There are two distinct ways for your business to reach Illinois dentists-
1- by print advertising in the CE Advisory* program booklet, which reaches all licensed dentists in the state of Illinois, or
2- in person, by way of sponsoring a table at one of our many CE courses across the state.
To get more “bang for the buck”, please consider both, by way of one of the 3 Sponsorship Levels, Platinum, Gold or Silver.
*Each summer the Illinois AGD publishes its four color CE Advisory program booklet. This printed booklet is mailed to approximately 10,000 dentists. Among other articles, all CE courses administrated by ILAGD and its three components will be featured. ILAGD’s three components encompass the entire state of Illinois. This is not a “throw-away” journal. It is year long reference source for dentists to find quality continuing education.
The market for our continuing education programs is all across the Midwest. Should you be interested in a Midwest regional exposure, any advertising over $1500 will qualify your company for Sponsorship Level advertising, in addition to your advertising in the CE Advisory booklet.
Sponsorship Level places your company logo and/or details on all four Illinois AGD websites homepages, up to full page color advertising reaching 10,000 dentists, and gives you a table at a varying number out of the 12 CE courses ILAGD provides each year. This is a great opportunity to reach tens of thousands of potential clients.
Please see the linked order form for advertising and sponsorship levels.