Home – Chicago Component

The Chicago Academy of General Dentistry (CAGD) is that component of the Illinois AGD that produces the Chicago AGD Seminar Series. Beginning in September, we provide 4 seminars given by the best local and national lecturers that we can find. The content is determined by the Seminar attendees, and it is geared towards the interests of general dentists. We have a talented group of new up-and-coming lecturers and experienced lecturers. We go out of our way to bring new experiences and information in the subjects of interest to the AGD members. The Seminar Series is held at Chicago suburban locations in beautiful settings with great food and interaction with the speaker and sponsors is encouraged.

Please click the buttons to the right to view the board of directors, or the past presidents of the Chicago AGD.

Chicago AGD is a component of the statewide Illinois AGD along with Central Illinois and Northern Illinois AGD.

Latest Event from Chicago AGD
Our Sponsors

We thank our Chicago AGD Sponsors-Partners – The board members of the Chicago AGD strive to find sponsor-partners we can trust to provide our dentist members the best products and services at reasonable fees and prices for our general dentist members.  They are crucial to the quality and success of our Seminar Series. We obtain some of the best education, speakers and presenters because of their loyal support. You can trust our sponsor – partners as they have become family and help us in dental practice throughout our careers. Please support our sponsor-partners and avail yourself of their products and services.

Your Partner in Stress-Free Implant Success – Be-Guided Dental Lab provides skillfully designed surgical guides, esthetic provisionals, and comprehensive implant case planning. Located in the Chicago area of Illinois, this family-owned and operated dental lab ensures stress-free implant surgeries for clinicians throughout the United States. https://www.be-guided.com/ (photo of PC + Surgical guide) – Chris Kopp

Old National Bank Waleed Khan – specialists for professional healthcare practices that require financing to purchase a practice, start a new office, renovate, relocate, refinance debt, or purchase equipment.  They work with first-time and experienced practice owners that are looking for creative financing products to capitalize their projects. Mark and Waleed are loyal supporters and family of CAGD.

Garfield Refining is a multi talented, multi product “Jack-of-all-trades” helping dentists in our practices for many years as a loyal CAGD Seminar Series supporter. You can trust Nick and Garfield to give you the best return on your gold and metal. Voted “Best Dental Refiner” by dentists in Dentaltown Magazine for the last 11 years!

Garfield Refining’s award-winning service helps dentists get the most for their gold, silver, platinum, and palladium dental scrap. Garfield’s un-paralleled customer service combined with exceptional payouts and longstanding reputation for integrity has made Garfield the Dentaltown Townie Choice winner every year since 2011. Garfield Refining is offering a $50 bonus to all ILAGD Seminar attendees when they refine with us during 2024! Click here to learn more.

A Word From Our Sponsors

Tremendous Value

When we were offered this sponsorship opportunity, we had no idea what a tremendous value it would be. The organizers of this lecture series have been outstandingly proactive and have gone to great lengths to promote our company. They truly went above and beyond to welcome us.

We were struck by the fact that the organizers made it clear that they work hard to curate a group of sponsors that they personally feel comfortable recommending and urging others to trust. We feel honored to be among such a great group of sponsors!

Sarah Belyeu
A Word From Our Attendees

Keep it up!

You guys are doing a fantastic job.  You can tell how hard you guys are working on it.  Keep it up!

AJ Salerno, DDS


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