The AGD is an organization dedicated to achieving the highest level of professionalism in the profession of dentistry. To merit professionalism, we must demonstrate to our staff, our patients and our community that we value mastery and integrity by according them the dignity and assurance of the highest quality of care through education and leadership.
The Northern Component of the Illinois Academy of General Dentistry supports this committment to excellence within our component area by seeking to evaluate the current needs of our area offices and then researching and securing the most reputable speakers available to present our courses.
Let’s unleash the power of professional thinking by participating in and supporting the AGD.
Stephen Petras, DMD, MAGD
Please click the buttons to the right to view the board of directors, or the past presidents of the Northern Illinois AGD.
Northern Illinois AGD is a component of the statewide Illinois AGD along with Chicago and Central Illinois AGD.