Last month, MasterTrack Presented: “Advanced Dental Technology Including AI (Artificial Intelligence) & Real Time Navigation (RTA) For Oral Diagnosis, Implants & Endodontics for better and faster Treatment!!” presented by Drs. George Zahak and Ryan Vahdani.
During this course, they discussed how clinicians have observed a rise in implant failure rates and what were the causes of implant failures, either long-term (years after restoration) or short-term (after installing the implant fixture). The focus of the presentation was on diagnostic, digital implant planning platform treatment planning, systemic considerations, site preservation, and operating room atmosphere. In order to support evidence-based dentistry, the presentation also examine recent research, case studies, and articles to identify, assess, and review the determinants. The topic of the conclusion will be how to improve implant therapy success. The second part of this fascination course was discussion was the future of Endodontics! In endodontics, AI displayed accuracy in terms of diagnostic and prognostic evaluations. The use of AI can help enhance the treatment plan, which in turn can lead to an increase in the success rate of endodontic treatment outcomes.

Register now for our next course, “Expedited Excellence: Increase Your Efficiency & Predictability with Direct & Indirect Restorations” presented by Josh Austin, DDS, MAGD on Friday-Saturday, October 20-21, 2023