Friday, October 4, 2024
Northern Illinois University Rockford Convention Center
8500 E. State St. Rockford, IL 61108
The NIU Rockford Convention/Education Center is conveniently located off I90 W at State Street (one hour from O’Hare)
*NIAGD room rate available at The Rockford Radisson, 815-226-2100. Must be booked by 9/4/2024*
No recordings will be available at this time.
Please choose the ZOOM option in the registration section below.
In today’s world, the clinical practice of restorative dentistry is a very exciting and challenging endeavor. Consistent, predictable, clinical techniques to create quality dental restorations in a time efficient manner form the basis of every procedure that we perform for our patients. Options that include glass fiber direct composite bridges, the use of “cutting edge” bioactive restorative materials that can reseal margins and enhance restoration longevity, and unique anatomic matrices that enhance the dentists’ ability to reproduce natural and aesthetic contours in direct dental restorations are only a few of the ways you can “up your game.” Integration of digital workflow into your aesthetic cases also enhances the predictability of outcomes for your patients.
In this technique-filled seminar, Dr. Lowe will discuss creative solutions and restorative techniques that will expand your treatment options for many types of aesthetic and functional dental problems.
The purpose of this course is to demonstrate in a detailed step-by-step fashion procedures that if practiced can impact on your ability to deliver an improved level of artistic and functional dentistry in your practice tomorrow!
At the completion of this course, the participants should be able to:
1) To learn the importance of biologic provisionalization in overall case management
2) To learn a proven reliable technique for “flawless” master impression making.
3) To learn about the clinical benefits of bioactive dental materials.
4) How to handle tooth preparation for the “crowded arch” to predictably create aligned restorations that have the proper restoration contour and position yet control excessive tooth reduction.
5) Creative Treatment Planning and Execution…. It’s all in the details and it’s all about the options! A review of cases with problems and solutions that “don’t necessarily fit” classic treatment protocols. Can crown and bridge be done on open bite cases without surgery??
7 hours of lecture credit may be used towards FAGD, MAGD or re-licensure for dentists and hygienists.
Friday, October 4, 2024
8:00-8:30am Registration
8:30—12:00pm Lecture
12:00—1pm Lunch
1—4:30pm Lecture
Send check, made out to NIAGD, to:
Stephen Petras, DMD, MAGD, FICOI
120 W. Front Avenue
Stockton, IL 61085
Phone: (815) 947-3700
Fax: (815) 947-9058
[email protected]
For credit card payment/registration or further information:
Jamie Petras, NIAGD Executive Secretary 815-541-3795
Dentist or first person- $275.00 $325.00
From office:
First additional non-dentist staff member $125.00
Each additional non-dentist staff member $100.00
Total Number Attending Live ___________________ Attending via Zoom ___________
Amount Enclosed _________________________
Total number of vegetarian lunches required_____
Signature ________________________________
Please Print:
Name: ______________________________________
AGD No. _______________________________
Name: ______________________________________
AGD No. _______________________________
Address: _____________________________
City, State, Zip: _______________________________
Office Phone: _________________________________
Fax No: _____________________________________
E-Mail Address: ______________________________
To pay with credit card contact Jamie Petras, NIAGD Executive Secretary at 815-541-3795 or [email protected]
Refund Policy: Full tuition refund is available without penalty up to one week prior to scheduled course.
For information contact:
Stephen Petras, DMD,MAGD, FICOI
Phone: (815) 947-3700
Fax: (815) 947-9058
E-mail: [email protected] OR [email protected]
Presenting a program of this nature is a group effort, and would not be possible without the assistance of many individuals and companies. A complete listing of contributing companies will be available at the program site.