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Central ILAGD Presents: Restorative: Modern Paradigms of Direct Restorations

Friday, March 14 @ 8:00 am - Saturday, March 15 @ 5:00 pm


Friday, March  14th will be Virtual or In-person. 

You may attend the live lecture at SIU School of Dental Medicine OR you may attend the course via Zoom. 

Modern Paradigms of Direct Restorations

Speaker: Drs. Lou Graham and Foroud Hakim
Friday, March 14, 2025
(Virtual and In-person for Friday’s Lecture)
Saturday, March 15, 2025
(Saturday Hands-on In Person Only)


The traditional term used by both the dental team and patients alike for a direct restoration has always been “a filling”. For most restorative dentists, the term conjured up notions of mundane, low profit procedures that amounted to the daily grind of overhead driven practice. “Drilling & filling” was not typically considered glamorous or sexy, much less rewarding or profitable. It was simply a strategy to stop, or at best interrupt disease. As composite resin started to replace traditional amalgam in the latter 2 decades of the previous century, it ushered in all new possibilities. Tooth colored direct restorations allow afford the contemporary doctor the opportunity to provide tremendous value to their patients. Remarkable, esthetics, great form and function, longevity, tooth structure conservation, and bio-benefit are just a few of the advantages we can offer our patients if we master modern direct restorations.

Join Dr. Lou Graham and Foroud Hakim for this invaluable 2-day program where they will cover the gamut of contemporary direct restorations. While placing these restorations can be very rewarding for the dental team, and very beneficial for patients, many consider ideal delivery as one of the most challenging aspects of dentistry. The first day seminar format includes an interactive cased based approach where all aspects ranging from modern diagnostics, disease identification, related material science and emerging technologies in delivery will be covered. Day two is a dynamic hands-on learning opportunity where Dr. Hakim and Graham will quarterback a series of exercises that will reinforce established concepts of delivery, while presenting practical pearls that participants can put into practice Monday morning to supercharge their direct restorative practice.

Speaker Bio:

For the past 35+ years, Dr. Graham has practiced dentistry in Chicago, Illinois. As dentistry evolved throughout his career, he remained at the cutting edge and incorporated many of these changes into both his multi-group specialty practice and his clinical courses. Dr. Graham’s course offerings incorporate the latest diagnostic technologies into everyday treatment planning and clinical care to ensure the best options and treatments are presented to each and every patient.

Throughout his career, his goal has always been to get teeth to their 75th birthday. With such, Dr. Graham’s emphasis has always been based on trust with the patient and conservative dentistry. His courses highlight many of the restorative options in dentistry today along with an emphasis on customized approaches to periodontal care, implants, laser dentistry and treatment for the ever-expanding geriatric population.

Dr. Graham is the founder of Catapult Education, now composed of 30+ speakers including clinical evaluators of the latest dental products and technologies with over 38,000 education subscribers.

Dr. Graham is a published author and is the former Dental Director of the University of Chicago’s Department of Dentistry.

Dr. Foroud Hakim is a nationally and internationally recognized speaker with an unwavering passion for all aspects of contemporary restorative dentistry. He is particularly motivated to help colleagues in improving treatment outcomes, patient experiences, as well as practice efficiency. He thrives on audience participation and interactive learning models. “I learn just as much from my audiences as they might from me; if it’s not a two-way street, something is wrong!”

Dr. Hakim has balanced private practice and dental education for 31 years in the San Francisco Bay Area. He splits his time between “real world/wet fingered” private practice, and teaching dental students at University of the Pacific, as well as colleagues across the country. He earned his DDS in 1991 and went on to earn his MBA in 2000. His areas of focus range from predictable and lasting adhesion, minimally invasive single tooth dentistry, all the way through to full mouth esthetic rehabilitation and smile design.

Dr. Hakim is the founder of San Ramon Dental Excellence, Director of Occlusion at the University of the Pacific and an active board member and speaker for Catapult Education’s Speakers Bureau.

Course Objectives:

At the completion of this seminar, participants will:

  • The latest in diagnosis and identification including AI adjuncts
  • The spectrum of modern resins (including bulk fills and shade simplification)
  • Delivery from start to finish for class I – VI restorations including
    • Prep design
    • MID principals
    • Matrixing
    • Simplified isolation strategies
    • Finish & polish
    • Optimal light curing
    • Tips, tricks and gadgetry that simplify delivery
  • Making sense of bioactive materials
    • What to use
    • How to use it
    • The intended patient population

Dr. Graham and Dr. Hakim highly encourage audience interaction so bring your questions and challenging cases so we can all learn together!

CE Credits:

(towards AGD Fellowship or Mastership)
8 hours of Prosthodontic lecture credit for those who attend the 3/14/25 lecture. 16 hrs .
of Prosthodontic participation credit for those who attend 3/14/25 lecture and 3/15/25
hands-on. (36 hours for those who complete an in-office protocol assignment and report).
Email: [email protected] for information


Protocol Reporting Session
Thursday, March 13, 2025 at 5:30 PM
Virtual Session via Zoom
Call 309-692-1796 or Email
[email protected] for reservations and zoom link.
If you are participating in the Friday session virtually and have not received the ZOOM link on 3/01/25 please contact Dr. Bishop at
[email protected].

When & Where:

Friday, March 14, 2025
(Virtual and In-person for Friday’s Lecture)
Saturday, March 15, 2025
(Saturday Hands-on In Person Only)

Southern Illinois University
School of Dental Medicine

Course Schedule:

FRIDAY, March  14, 2025 (Lecture: Zoom and In-person)
7:45 am Registration
8:00 am – 10:30 am Lecture in Hoag Hall Auditorium (Bldg. 283)
10:30 am – 10:45 am Break and Discuss
12:00 pm – 1:00 pm Lunch and Learn with the students
1:00 pm – 3:00 pm Lecture in Hoag Hall Auditorium (Bldg. 283)
3:00 pm – 3:15 pm Break and Discuss
3:15 pm – 5:00 pm Lecture in Hoag Hall Auditorium (Bldg. 283)

SATURDAY, March 15, 2025 (Hands-On: In Person only)
7:45 am Registration
8:00 am – 12:00 pm Hands-on
12:00 pm – 12:30 pm Lunch & Discuss
12:30 pm – 4:30 pm Hands-on

February 28, 2025
May register for lecture only on 3/01/25
3/15/25 Hands-on Participation has limited space available

Hotel Reservations based on availability. Identify yourself as attending the Southern Illinois University School of Dental Medicine AGD Programs. Only necessary for Thursday if attending Friday in-person rather than ZOOM.

Best Western Premier Hotel
3559 College Avenue
Alton, Illinois 62002
(618) 462-1220

Directions: Take 55 North or South to the Alton Exit #30, Route 140. (140 becomes College


Return the completed registration form and check made out to CIAGD to:
Dr. Susan Bishop
7314 N. Edgewild Dr.
Peoria, IL 61614

For information call:
Dr. Susan Bishop
(309) 692-1796 or e-mail at
[email protected]

PARKING: Available behind Hoag Hall. No permit is necessary. Do not park in clinic lot. You will be ticketed.


Return the completed registration form to:
Dr. Susan Bishop
7314 N. Edgewild Dr.
Peoria, IL 61614

Virtual Session via Zoom Call 309-692-1796 or Email [email protected] for reservations and zoom link.

If you are participating in the Friday session virtually and have not received the ZOOM link on 3/14/25 please contact Dr. Bishop at [email protected].

Presenting a program of this nature is a group effort and would not be possible without the assistance of many individuals and companies. A complete listing of contributing companies will be available at the program site.



                                                                    AGD/ADA/Public Health      NON-AGD/ADA

Dentist: 2 day participation course               $695                                      $795
(limit 25 participants on 3/15/25
Dentist 3/14/25 Lecture only                         $285                                      $335
Staff (non-dentist) per day                             $50                                         $75
(must be accompanied by dentist)
SIU Instructors/Students 3/14/25                   N/C                                     $10*
Lecture only and 3/14/25 observation only.
Must be registered for seminar.
(Observation will be permitted at participation course (includes faculty/students) if course limit is
reached, but costs and attendee numbers must be approved by the course master.)
Lunch is included in all day seminar cost.
*Includes 1 year AGD student membership
Non-Members: Join in AGD and receive seminar at AGD member cost.

Return by 2/27/25 (Limited attendance for second day on 3/15/25)

Refunds are available for courses, minus $50 processing fee, will be granted if requested at least ten days prior to the start of the course     

Another fine program brought to you by the CIAGD




Friday, March 14 @ 8:00 am
Saturday, March 15 @ 5:00 pm
Event Category:


Dr. Susan Bishop

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