With all the support and help from our family and friends in the United States as well as organizations such as CDS and AGD (for donating scrubs), Pediatric club at MWU (for shoe donations to the children) the mission trip to the Dominican Republic was a big success. A few of our students from DSD at Midwestern University were able to provide free dental care for the people of Cotui. For 4 days, with the help of local dentist and dental students, we were able to see 505 patients-489 extractions, 256 cavity fillings, 16 root canals, and 82 dentures. For most of these patients, this was the only time they will ever receive any dental work. All of this dental work saves the people of Cotui $7 million pesos in dental care. To help so many people and work alongside close friends is wonderful experience. It will always be a trip well embedded into our books. It is truly an honor to be able to practice doing what you love on top of helping those who are in need. Hopefully one day there will be preventative oral health awareness and oral health care to all.
- Volunteers in Dominican Republic
- Volunteers in Dominican Republic
- AGD donated scrubs to mission trip in the Dominican Republic