Advertise with Chicago AGD

The Chicago Component of the Academy of General Dentistry

RE: 2024-2025 CAGD Seminar Series



Due Date:__________________________________________

The sponsorship fee of $2,400 being provided to The Chicago Component of the Illinois Academy of General Dentistry (“Event Organizer”) is for marketing and advertising at the seminar events and leading up to the events. 

The Event Organizer’s marketing and advertising services/opportunities will include:

  1. Table Booth at the event
  2. Ability to provide Logo Recognition at the event
  3. Logo Recognition on marketing materials for the seminar
  4. Speaking time and introduction after the morning break and after lunchtime
  5. Access to the attendees throughout the day
  6. LOGO of your company on our Website
  7. URL of your company on our Website
  8. The website presence will begin in June of 2024

Please sign below where indicated and provide a check for $2,400.00 payable to: The Chicago Component of the Illinois Academy of General Dentistry.

Sponsor: ____________________________________________

Acknowledged and Agree:

By: _________________________________________________

Name/Title/Date: _____________________________________

Please print this page and send payment to:
Chicago Component of the ILAGD C/O Maureen Kugel
Hawthorne  Dental,
1220 E US Hwy 45, Suite 200,
Vernon Hills, IL 60061

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