- SDM School of Dental Medicine White Coat Ceremony 09-30-16
The Southern University School of Dental Medicine White Coat Ceremony took place on Friday, September 30th. The white coat is the garment traditionally worn by health care providers. The White Coat Ceremony symbolizes the student’s entry into the healing profession of dentistry. It celebrates the choice to pursue a life in service to the health of society, and exemplifies the commitment of future practitioners to professionalism, ethical practice and service to the community. The White Coat each student receives is symbolic of their commitment to excellence in science and patient care. The Illinois Academy of General Dentistry welcomes the SIU DMD Class of 2020 and the International Advanced Placement Class of 2018 into their new lives as a student dentists. The mission of the ILAGD is to foster the continued proficiency of general dentists through providing high quality continuing education to better serve the public. Dr. Sue Bishop, ILAGD National Trustee; VP, ISDS Foundation & Regent of the ICD, 8th District was the keynote speaker. She spoke to the students about organized dentistry and its role in supporting the students during their journey as a dental student and then after they graduate with their DMD degree.
- SDM School of Dental Medicine White Coat Ceremony
- White Coat Ceremony
- White Coat Ceremony
- SDM School of Dental Medicine White Coat Ceremony
- White Coat Ceremony
- White Coat Ceremony
- White Coat Ceremony
- White Coat Ceremony
- White Coat Ceremony
- White Coat Ceremony
- White Coat Ceremony