Illinois AGD e-Advisor Newsletter – Issue #23
IL AGD Continuing Education Programs
The AGD was founded by eight general dentists who were committed to lifelong learning and quality continuing education (CE). We continue that tradition today by providing our IL AGD members with CE opportunities throughout the year. We offer a variety of lecture and participation courses at very affordable prices to help you meet your CE needs. Please visit our website for a complete listing of our CE courses that are offered throughout the state.
The IL AGD 23rd Annual Ted Weclew Memorial Lecture
Predictable Implant Esthetics with Dr. Paresh Shah Chicago, IL
By William Lawley, DDS, MAGD, IL AGD Board Member
On February 24, 2016 Illinois Academy of General Dentistry (ILAGD) sponsored the twenty-third annual Thaddeus Weclew Memorial Lecture honoring one of the founding fathers of the Academy of General Dentistry (AGD). He also served on the faculty of the University of Illinois College Of Dentistry in the radiology department for thirty-two years. In 1952 Dr. Weclew helped create the AGD and on August 2, 1952 the AGD was incorporated. Since then the AGD has grown to become the second largest dental association in the United States with more than 35,000 members. Dr. Weclew’s mission for the AGD was to serve the needs and represent the interests of general dentists. Furthermore, he wanted to promote oral health to the public and through quality continuing education increase general dentists’ proficiency so as to better serve the public.
This brings us to Dr. Paresh Shah from Winnipeg, Canada who lectured on Predictable Implant Aesthetics to a full house in the ADA Auditorium. Dr Shah graduated from the University of Manitoba in 1991. He received a Proficiency Certificate in Esthetic Dentistry from the University of Buffalo (SUNY) in 2007. He has served as a clinical mentor in the Post Grad Program for Esthetic Dentistry at the University of Minnesota and a part time instructor at the University of Manitoba Faculty of Dentistry. He is a member of the Catapult Group, co-director of a Seattle Study Club in Winnipeg and section editor for Esthetics with the CARP Journal and Spectrum Journal.
Dr. Shah discussed the many aspects of a successful case from the implant placement, abutment and restoration. Proper planning is essential. Implant placement should be prosthetically driven not placed wherever there is bone. CBCT scans and surgical guides can be of help in achieving this end. He discussed implant retained removable partial and full dentures when there is a minimum prosthetic space of 11mm or ideally 15-17 mm. Platform shifting implants are used to help maintain surrounding bone height. Soft tissue management is best maintained through proper provisionalization during healing. Dr. Shah prefers custom abutments and he will use a lab fabricated stent to seat the abutment. He does not prefer zirconium abutments because of fracture possibilities. Dr. Shah likes Ceramir cement if using cement- retained crowns but prefers screw-retained restorations.
This program was filled with many useful ideas that the attendees could take back to the office and utilize right away. This lecture was another example of the fine continuing education programs Illinois AGD provides its members. Please tell your colleagues of this valuable resource and urge them to become members of the Academy of General Dentistry. Please join us July 14-17, 2016 for great continuing education and camaraderie at the National AGD Meeting in Boston. Registration is now open.
We would like to thank our sponsors:
- DDS Refining represented by Kevin McKay
- Dentists Advantage represented by Ken Schmitt
- GC Lab Division represented by Fred Hiller
- GC Operative Division represented by Dana Oswald
- Kettenbach represented by Tim St. Clair
- Listerine represented by Jim McCormick and Heather Hauser
- Mogo represented by Mary Lukaszczyk
- PNC Bank represented by Amit Gupta
- Sequoia Dental Lab represented by David Johnson
- Solution Reach represented by Laura Gonzales
- Ultralight Optics represented by Rosette Nguyen and Elise Shaheen
Chicago Component of the IL AGD
“Simplifying Removable Prosthodontics” with Dr. Nels Ewoldsen, DDS, MSD
By Ben Youel, DDS, Chicago AGD Editor
On Friday, March 18, at Maggiano’s Little Italy in Oak Brook, the Chicago Component of the Academy of General Dentistry hosted a day-long course on “Simplifying Removable Prosthodontics.” Dr. Nels Ewoldsen, DDS, MSD shared tips & strategies on removable prosthodontics that he employs in his private practice in Waveland, IN. He covered complete removable prosthodontic cases in the morning, partial removable in the afternoon and even touched on implant-supported removable cases. Sixty four dentists were present for this engaging lecture.
The Chicago AGD is thankful for our sponsors who generously supported our lecture. PNC Bank, represented by Jose Prada and Patricia Dewey, provided gold level support. HiOssen, represented by Kasey Choi, Jane Jun and Sevi Sulemani, provided silver level support. DDS Refining was represented by Lucia Oswald. Global Dental Science (AvaDent) was represented by Kent Williams. Lecture attendee Jim Drake won a PNC windbreaker jacket and attendee Stephan Bergeron won a $100 gift card from PNC.
Please save these dates for our 2016-2017 Seminar Series:
September 23, 2016 “Cutting Edge Technology with Digital Design and Real World Cosmetic Dentistry-Faults, Failures, and Fixes,” with Joyce Bassett, DDS.
November 4, 2016 “Predictable Low Stress Endodontics for the General Practitioner,” with John C. Flucke, DDS.
March 3, 2017 “The End-of Complications, Sensitivity, Discomfort & Open Contacts” (Morning) and “New Tools in Modern Marketing” (Afternoon) with Todd Snyder, DDS.
May 5, 2017 “Conquer the Kids and Win the Family,” with Carla Cohen, DMD.
Registration for the 2016-2017 Chicago AGD seminar series has begun on the Illinois AGD website at Purchase a season ticket for all 4 programs for only $400!
- Dr. Carol Everett and Dr. Sue Mayer
- Dr. Nels Ewoldsen, DDS, MSD
- Dr. Nels Ewoldsen, DDS, Speaker
- Drs. Dawn Silfies and Joe Hagenbruch
- Drs. Lillian Obucina, Marcia Basciano, Ryan Vahdani
- Hoissen Kasey Choi, Jane Jun & Sevi Sulemani
- PNC Representatives Jose Prado & Patricia Dewey
Central Illinois Component of the Illinois AGD
Endodontics 2016 and Beyond with Dr. David Landwehr
By Cheryl Mora, DDS, MAGD, IL AGD CE Chair
On March 18th and 19th two chilly days in Alton, IL the Central Illinois AGD hosted an excellent CE program on endodontics. Dr. David Landwehr, DDS, MS presented, “Endodontics 2016 and Beyond” in a two day continuing education course that provided the doctors who attended practical and scientifically proven endodontic techniques to incorporate into their practices on Monday morning. A Wisconsin native, Dr. Landwehr studied as an undergraduate at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and went on to earn his D.D.S. at the University of Minnesota in 1994. From there, he earned an M.S. degree and certificate in Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology at The Ohio State University followed by specialty training in Endodontics at the University of Michigan. Endodontic diagnosis was discussed and different types of oral pathology lesions that mimic endodontic lesions were presented. Dr. Landwehr explained successful endodontic treatment from start to finish and on Saturday the doctors spent the day in the SIU CDM simulation lab and learned new endodontic techniques. Friday night, CIAGD hosted an excellent dinner at Tony’s Restaurant and Prohibition Lounge.
Central Illinois AGD Participation course
on Endodontics
Central Illinois AGD presents Endodontics 2016
and Beyond with Dr. David Little at the SIU SDM
Simulation Lab
Dr. Brenden Moon, Dr. Paul Obrock, Dr. Kirk Hess,
and Dr. Sy Wachtenheim found the MB6
- Dr. Brian Hamel
Dr. Ian Montie and Dr. Shruti Pore,
2014 OSF Residency Graduates
- Dr. Nels Ewoldsen, DDS
- Drs. Erik Solberg and Cheryl Mora
Drs. Kirk Hess, Paul Obrock, Bethel Buerk,
Cheryl Mora, Sy Wachtenheim, Brenden Moon
& Speaker, Dr. David Landwehr
- Drs. Mara Krill and Lucas Steele, SIU SDM GPR Residents
The Illinois & Wisconsin Mastertrack: Pediatric Dentistry for the GP
By William Lawley, DDS, MAGD, IL AGD Board Member
On April 1-2, 2016 thirty-seven dentists from ten states and Canada gathered at the Henry Schein facility in Elmhurst, Illinois, and were treated to one of our highest participation rated seminars. As a last minute replacement for Dr. Fred Margolis, Dr. Cohn presented a two day seminar to rave reviews. Dr. Cohn is a 1991 graduate from the Faculty of Dentistry at the University of Manitoba. She went on to complete a post-graduate internship in Children’s Dentistry at Health Science Centre Children’s Hospital. She holds appointments at the University of Manitoba, Faculty of Dentistry, and the Dean’s Advisory Board at the University of Manitoba. Dr. Cohn has lectured nationally and internationally.
When discussing pediatric and special patient care for two days it can be difficult to keep everyone’s attention, but through her engaging and down to earth style Dr. Cohn was able to maintain a high interest level. In addition to her slides, which she has observed first hand and dealt with directly, Dr. Cohn showed videos of her performing each of the procedures in real time. Most of her work is done with a rubber dam or a Dry Shield, which can be reused as opposed to an Isolite that is disposable. Behavior management is achieved through: 1- tell show do, 2-reward/persuasion, 3-motivation, 4-positive reinforcement, 5-distraction, 6-protective stabilization. When treating the patient Dr. Cohn likes a running commentary, describing what she is doing. She likes to see patients at the age of one to help desensitize them to the dental office by going knee to knee with the parent and having the patient’s head on her lap for the exam. Parents can be seen but not heard and definitely no siblings in the treatment room. Full coverage is not over treatment, and should be used: 1-when there are caries on multiple surfaces, 2-extensive cervical decalcification and/or developmental defects, 3-after pulp therapy, 4-when failure of other restorative materials is likely, 5-with minor caries when there is poor oral hygiene. She discussed the ICON Infiltration Concept to remove demineralization and hypocalcification staining and post orthodontic white spots. The participants were able to perform a NeoMTA pulpotomy, SSC, zirconia crown-anterior and posterior, modified snowplow composite posterior restoration, cementing a SSC with RMGI cement, and sealants on a special dentech model. She finished the second day discussing traumatic injuries with treatment options and a series of pathology slides. This was a very worthwhile course and well received.
Register now for our September Mastertrack program with Dr. Karl Koerner on “Oral Surgery for the General Dentist Making it Easier, Faster and More Predictable.” For more information and to Register click here.
We would like to thank our sponsors for this informative and engaging lecture. Without their help we would not have able to present this successful seminar.
- Bisco represented by Pavlina Krstevska
- DMG represented by Chad Schmitt
- Garrison represented by Scott Crago
- GC represented by Mike Furgason
- PNC Bank represented by Amit Gupta
- Solution Reach represented by SeanField
- VOCO represented by Jason Dempsey and Joe Romaine
Dr. Cheryl Mora, Mastertrack Committee with
Dr. Carla Cohn, Speaker
- Dr. James Kakos & Nicholas Drzycimski
- Dr. Kimberly Pitts, Dr. Sandra Montes & Dr. Shazeen Pardesi
Drs. Alan Robinson, Bret Gilsdorf, Randy Moseng &
Daphne Kwan
- Drs. Bill Lawley, Jim Reichle, Bryan Bauer and Andy Beer
Drs. Bryan Bauer and Andy Beer with speaker,
Dr. Carla Cohn
Drs. Doug Brown & Bill Lawley,
Mastertrack Volunteer Commitee
- Drs. Sandra Montes, Shazeen Pardesi & Jessica Gibbs
- Drs. Susan Synder & Dexter Inniss
- Drs. Tom Blake and Lena Fermback
Northern Illinois Component of the IL AGD
A Practical Review and Update in Oral Pathology with Dr. John Kalmar
By Cheryl Mora, DDS, MAGD, IL AGD CE Chair
Discussions of oral pathology often bring back dental school memories of spending long nights memorizing hundreds of red, white, radiopaque and radiolucent oral lesions. Dr. John Kalmar, DMD, PhD in his presentation: “A Practical Review and Update in Oral Pathology,” made reviewing this important subject fun and interesting. Thirty-five doctors traveled to Rockford, IL and spent the day reviewing how to do a clinical evaluation of the patient, along with discussing cases that illustrated the various types of oral pathology we encounter in our everyday practices. Dr. Kalmar emphasized the need to understand the medico-legal value of recording pertinent clinical findings, developing the differential diagnosis and consistent patient follow-up. Absence of a written record means the condition doesn’t exist. Current research and concepts on oral cancer and precancerous lesions and the role of the human papilloma virus (HPV) in oral pharyngeal cancer were examined. NIAGD’s new venue, Giovanni’s Restaurant and Convention Center was excellent. Thanks very much to Dr. Steve Petras, IL AGD President Elect, Dr. Beth Sacrey, NIAGD treasurer and Jill Freese for organizing this program. NIAGD will be hosting their next CE course on October 14, 2016 and will be on full dentures.
- Dr. John Kalmar, DMD, PhD, Oral Pathologist
Dr. John Kalmar, speaker and
Dr. Steve Petras, IL AGD President Elect
- Jaime Petras, IL AGD Executive Secretary and Jill Freese
- Lunch
- NIAGD A Practical Review & Update in Oral Pathology
IL AGD Board News
On February 24, 2016 the Illinois Academy of General Dentistry Board of Directors met for their first board meeting of 2016 at the American Dental Association Auditorium in Chicago. During the meeting several people were recognized for their service to the IL AGD. Dr. Larry Williams, Immediate Past President was presented with a plaque honoring his year as President of the IL AGD, and Dr. Cheryl Mora was presented with a plaque in recognition of her appointment as a Board of Director Emeritus. The Board of Directors would like to thank both of these doctors for their years of dedication, commitment and service to the Illinois Academy of General Dentistry.
- Dr. Paula Jones, Past President AGD
- Drs. Robert Kozelka & Cheryl Mora
- Drs. Robert Kozelka & Larry Williams
IL AGD Dental Student Events
Midwestern University College of Dental Medicine-IL Student CE Program & Dinner
By Cheryl Mora, DDS, MAGD, Chair, AGD Membership
The IL AGD in conjunction with the MWU Cosmetic Dentistry Club presented
“Simplifying Steps to Direct Resin Success: Techniques for Predictability” with Dr. Michael Morgan on January 22nd. The students learned a simplified shade mapping system to efficiently choose the value, shade and surface characteristics of any resin restoration, techniques to simplify layering and achieve natural polychromicity in as little as two shades, the three methods to easily determine the lingual contour and incisal position of Class IV composites and how to efficiently and predictably restore multiple Class II posterior composites. It was an excellent program and all the students received 2 credits of continuing education that will go towards the CE needed to obtain their Fellowship Award when they graduate.
- Dr. Michael Morgan
University of Illinois at Chicago College of Dentistry Career Fair 2016
The Illinois AGD had the opportunity to participate in the UIC COD 2016 Career Fair on January 27nd. During the course of the fair, IL AGD officers and members met with students from all the classes and educated them on the benefits of their AGD membership. Many of the students were not aware of the 50 hours of continuing education credit that they can earn while attending dental school that will apply towards their Fellowship Award when they graduate. Networking through volunteer leadership is an excellent way for students and new dentists to learn about career opportunities. The AGD Career Center aids in preparing students for graduation by posting resumes and job listings online. AGD’s award winning publications: General Dentistry and AGD Impact as well as our online practice management resources are all beneficial ways for students and new dentists to obtain the information they need to jumpstart their careers. What new dentist wouldn’t love to save money? The AGD Benefits Plus Program provides discounts on personal and professional products and services to assist new dentists in paying off their student loans while preparing them for their new careers. AGD’s Student’s Transition Manual has recently been updated and is online! Look for it in the Student Resource Section on Check out for our 2016 CE programs –many of which are of no cost to dental students and residents. The students are embarking on an exciting journey and the AGD and the IL AGD will be there to support them during their transition from pupil to new dentist. From continuing education and leadership opportunities to one-on-one expert advice, the AGD has all the tools needed to plan ahead for a successful dental career.
Dr. Paul Jones, AGD Past President and
Dr. Scott Miller, Chicago AGD Board Member
Dr. Paul Jones, Past AGD President
Dr. Cheryl Mora Chair, AGD Membership Council
Natasha Kanchwala D-4, Dan Pagel D-2, Katrina Lo A-2,
Dr. Cheryl Mora
IL AGD University of Illinois at Chicago College of Dentistry Lunch & Learn
The Illinois AGD held its first Fellowtrack Lunch and Learn of 2016 at the University of Illinois at Chicago College of Dentistry on February 19th. Mark Buczko, Vice President of Dentist’s Advantage presented, “Malpractice Insurance 101.” Mr. Buczko discussed the many “ins and outs” of dental malpractice insurance including: What’s covered and what’s not, occurrence and claims –made policies, how premiums are determined, and how to evaluate your insurance provider. All dentists need to have a thorough understanding of their malpractice insurance, and this program provided the basic information students need for when the graduate and embark on their careers. The IL AGD also distributed IL AGD logo scrubs to the new International Students who started their program in January. The IL AGD would like to thank these volunteers: Dr. George Zehak, Scott Miller, Spencer Bloom, Judy Fan-Hsu and Cheryl Mora as well as our student representatives, Saeed Naseri and Asima Chugthai for their help with distributing the scrubs. The students receive continuing education credit for this and all PACE/CERP approved programs that will be applied towards their Fellowship Award after they graduate. AGD is offering new dental school graduates and residents liability Insurance coverage through Dentist’s Advantage for up to 12 months at no cost. Visit to sign up! Dentist’s Advantage offers AGD members up to a 20% savings on premiums. Go for more information.
- AGD Logo scrubs to the new international students
- Cassie Mora, Pre-Dental Student UIC COD assisting with registration
Co-Presidents of the IL AGD UIC Student group Katrina Lo &
Natasha Kanchwala, Mark Buczko& Dr. Cheryl Mora
Dr. Cheryl Mora, Dr. George Zehak, Dr. Spencer Bloom,
Saad Naser, Student, Dr. Scott Miller and Dr. Judy Fan-Hsu
International students Asima Chughtai and
Saad Naser with Dr. Spencer Bloom
- Mr. Mark Buczko, VP Dentist’s Advantage speaking on Malpractice 101 for the UIC COD students
University of Illinois at Chicago College of Dentistry Clinic & Research Day
The Illinois Academy of General Dentistry participated in the 2016 University of Illinois at Chicago College of Dentistry Clinic & Research Day on March 3rd. The College of Dentistry’s annual Clinic and Research Day provides a forum for students, postgrads, and research staff to present research achievements to the members of the College and larger research community.
Asima Chughtai, UIC COD A-1 Presenter
with Dr. Cheryl Mora, IL AGD
- Katrina Lo, A-2 Research Project
Katrina Lo, UIC COD A-2 Denta Student with
Drs. Cheryl Mora and Judy Fan-Hsu, IL AGD
Steve Kim and BoYeon Kim-Barilotta
at Research Day
Case Presentation Competitions
The Illinois Academy of Dentistry in conjunction with the Academy of Dentistry International held the 2016 Case Presentation Competitions for graduating seniors at the University of Illinois at Chicago College of Dentistry and Midwestern University College of Dental Medicine-IL. For more than 12 years, this Case Presentation event has taken place at UIC’s College of Dentistry. At Midwestern, this was their first Case Presentation event. IL AGD’s mission is to encourage continuing education and lifelong learning. It is in keeping with those values that this event began as an outreach program to promote the sharing of knowledge among graduating students and practicing dentists, and an opportunity to demonstrate the caliber of treatment planning of procedures accompanied by evidence based concepts.
The UIC COD D-4 presenters were: Matthew S. Anderson, Eva Bici, Chad M. Goeke, John Luczak, Randa Nakib, and Mark Anthony White. The UIC COD DMD AS (International Students) were: Ali Al Mustafa, Haider Aljewari, Juveria Ali Hussain, Katrina Lo, Shilpa Narayanaswamy and Samer Odeh. The MWU D-4 presenters were: Cassie Berens, Karen Kowalesik, Jonathon Ly, Edmund March, Gwen Regnier, Joe Stevens, Samantha Sodini and Joshua Eastham. The students presented a patient case and were judged on the quality of the presentation including the comprehensive exam, diagnosis, photography, models, treatment plan, outcomes, and their ability to answer questions. IL AGD members and faculty from both schools participated as judges for each event. Three scholarship prizes were presented to the winners of each competition. The second and third prizes of $200 and $100 were donated by ADI and the first prize scholarship of $300 was donated by the IL AGD. The IL AGD would like to thank the faculty at both schools for their assistance in choosing the students for the presentations and in judging the event.
- Midwestern University CODM-IL D-4 Case Presenters and Judges
- MWU D-4 Case Presenters
- MWU D-4 Gwen Regnier, IL AGD & ADI MWU D-4 Case Presentations First Place Winner
MWU D-4 Cassie Berens,
IL AGD & ADI D-4 Case Presentations
Second Place Winner
MWU D-4 Jonathon Ly,
IL AGD & ADI Case Presentation Third Place winner
with Dr. Cheryl Mora, IL AGD
Chad Goeke, UIC COD D-4 Case Presentations
2nd Place winner with his wife,
and Dr. Cheryl Mora, IL AGD CE Chair
John Luczak UIC COD D-4 Case Presentations Third Place Winner John Luczak with his wife
& Dr. Cheryl Mora, IL AGD CE Chair
- Mark Anthony White UIC COD D-4 Case Presentations First Place Winner & Dr. Cheryl Mora, IL AGD CE Chair
UIC COD COD D-4 Case Presenters
Randa Nakib; Mark Anthony White; Eva Bici, Chad Goeke,
John Luczak; Matthew S. Anderson
University of Illinois at Chicago College of Dentistry
D-4 2016 Case Presentations
UIC COD DMD AS First Place Winner,
Juveria Ali Hussain with Dr. Cheryl Mora
UIC COD DMD AS Second Place Winner,
Ali Al Mustafa with Dr. Cheryl Mora
UIC COD DMD AS Third Place Winner,
Haider Aljewari with Dr. Cheryl Mora
UIC COD DMD AS-2 Case Presentation Presenters,
Judges and Guests
- UIC COD DMD AS-2 Case Presenters
Midwestern University College of Dental Medicine-IL Vendor Fair
The Illinois AGD had the opportunity to participate in the ASDA sponsored MWU 2016 Vendor Fair on March 31. During the course of the fair, IL AGD members met with students and educated them on the benefits of their AGD membership. Many of the students were not aware of the 50 hours of continuing education credit that they can earn while attending dental school that will apply towards their Fellowship Award when they graduate. AGD’s award winning publications: General Dentistry and AGD Impact as well as our online practice management resources are all beneficial ways for students and new dentists to obtain the information they need to jumpstart their careers. What new dentist wouldn’t love to save money? The AGD Benefits Plus Program provides discounts on personal and professional products and services to assist new dentists in paying off their student loans while preparing them for their new careers. Networking through volunteer leadership is an excellent way for students and new dentists to learn about career opportunities. The AGD Career Center aids in preparing students for graduation by posting resumes and job listings online. AGD’s Student’s Transition Manual has recently been updated and is online! Look for it in the Student Resource Section on Check out for our 2016 CE programs –all of which are discounted or no cost to dental students and residents. The students are embarking on an exciting journey and the AGD and the IL AGD will be there to support them during their transition from pupil to new dentist. From continuing education and leadership opportunities to one-on-one expert advice, the AGD has all the tools needed to plan ahead for a successful dental career.
- Cody Emeigh, Libby Standerwick, Nicole Ford, Dr. Kevin King, Tyler DeAnda, Laila Malaki, Yin Cao, Sabrina Vlaeva
- Corey Crouse, Libby Standerwick, Dr. Ryan Vahdani
Libby Standerwick, Dr. Ryan Vahdani, Tyler DeAnda,
Nicole Fork, Yin Cao
Rose Elapunkal, Tina Zieba,
Kayla Hanninen
- Yin Cao & Dr. Andy Browar
Yin Cao, Cody Emeigh,
Libby Standerwick
Yin Cao, Cody Emeigh,
Libby Standerwick, Dr. Ryan Vahdani
Illinois AGD Member Spotlight
New Pierre Fauchard Fellows
By Dr. Cheryl Mora, DDS, MAGD, Chair, AGD Membership Council
The Pierre Fauchard Academy held a ceremony to honor inductees from Illinois and Michigan on February 25, 2016 at the Chicago Cultural Center. The Pierre Fauchard Academy is an honorary dental service organization that was founded in 1936. The mission of the Academy is to recognize and grow leaders in the dental profession, their communities and society. Fellowship in the Academy is by nomination and is designed to honor past accomplishments in the field of dentistry and encourage future productivity. Fellows are selected based on contributions to dental literature, service to the profession of dentistry, and service to the general community. The new Illinois Fellows are Dr. Brent Jenkins, Dr. Theresa Lao, Dr. Reji Mathew, Dr. Salvitore Storniolo, and Dr. Larry Williams. Dr. Kevin King, a Fellow of the Academy was present at the ceremony. Dr. Theresa Lao was also presented with “The Distinguished Dentist Citation,” for her outstanding contributions to the art and science of dentistry. Midwestern University College of Dental Medicine-IL D-4 student, Wajiha Tariq spoke at the ceremony about the future of the dental profession and spoke about Dr. Lao’s contributions and accomplishments to the profession of dentistry. MWU students Elizabeth Luong and Whitney Sebree were also present at the ceremony along with Dr. Cheryl Mora from the IL Academy of General Dentistry. Congratulations from the IL AGD to the new Fellows of the Pierre Fauchard Academy.
- Dr. Larry Williams, Illinois Inductee Pierre Fauchard Academy
- Dr. Salvatore Storniolo, Illinois Inductee Pierre Fauchard Academy
- Dr. Theresa Lao receives the Pierre Fauchard Academy Distinguished Dentist Citation
- Dr. Theresa Lao, Illinois Inductee Pierre Fauchard Academy
- Dr. Theresa Lao, New PFA inductee with Dr. Kevin King, PFA Fellow; both have received the Distinguished Dentist Citation
- Drs. Brent Jenkins, Theresa Lao, Sal Storniolo, and Larry Williams, Illinois Inductees Pierre Fauchard Academy
- Drs. Sal Storniolo, Larry Williams, Kevin King, Cheryl Mora, Theresa Lao; Students Wajiha Tariq & Whitney Sebree
Drs. Theresa Lao & Larry William
Pierre Fauchard Inductees with Dr. Cheryl Mora
- Midwestern University CODM-IL Student Wajiha Tariq speaking about the future of dentistry and Dr. Theresa Lao
- MWU students Wajiha Tariq and Whitney Sebree with Dr. Theresa Lao (center)
- Pierre Fauchard Academy 2016 Inductees at the Chicago Cultural Center
IL AGD members lecturing at the 2016 Chicago Dental Society Midwinter Meeting
Officers and Board members of the Illinois Academy of General Dentistry were well represented at the 2016 Chicago Dental Society Midwinter Meeting that took place at the McCormick Center in Chicago in February. Dr. George Zehak, President of the Chicago Dental Society and Past President of the IL AGD presided over this year’s “I-Meeting”. Dr. Zehak and Dr. Jun Lim, General Chair, both frequent lecturers for the IL AGD, put together an excellent scientific program that appealed to both dentists and their team members.
Many IL AGD members lectured at this year’s “I-Meeting”. Dr. Larry Williams, Associate Professor at Midwestern University College of Dental Medicine-IL and Immediate Past President of the IL AGD spoke on “Tobacco Cessation for the Dental Team, “ “Geriatric Dentistry: Diagnosis, Treatment Planning & Care,” and “Late-Breaker: CDC Releases New Guide for Dental Infection Prevention and Control.” Dr. Sue Bishop, IL AGD National Trustee, spoke on “Local Anesthetic Administration for Hygienists.” Dr. Brendon Moon, IL AGD Secretary presented, “Positioned for Success: Adapting Ergonomics & Practice Management.” Dr. Reuel Owen, an IL AGD member, spoke on “Macro/Micro Ergonomics in the Dental Office.” From Wisconsin AGD, Dr. John Olsen, AGD Regional Director of WI & MI lectured on “Dental Implant Failures: Prevention, Diagnosis & Treatment.”
Congratulations to all of our IL and WI AGD members on their excellent contributions to the Chicago Dental Society Midwinter Meeting.
- Dr. Brenden Moon lecturing
Dr. Larry Williams speaking on Tobacco Cessation
for the Dental Team
- Drs. Sue Bishop & Ellen Hailemelecot
Drs. Ellen Hailemelecot, Shruti Pore,
Sue Bishop, Emad Zaiti,
Joyce Gomez and Ian Montes
The Academy of Dentistry International 2016 Breakfast Meeting
The Academy of Dentistry International 2016 Breakfast Meeting took place on February 28, 2016 at the Chicago Marriott Court Suites. Dr. Sue Bishop, Past President of the ADI along with a panel of new dentists discussed “Why the new dentist is saying, ‘What can I do for you?’” The panelists were OSF General Practice Residents Dr. Ellen Hailemelecot, Dr. Sara May and Dr. Ian Montes, and Dr. Shruti Pore, OSF GPR 2014 graduate.
2016 Academy of Dentistry International Breakfast meeting
at the Chicago Dental Society Midwinter Meeting
- Dr. Ellen Hailemelecot, OSF Resident
- Dr. Ian Montes, OSF Resident (2)
Dr. Ryan Vahdani, MWU Faculty
speaking with the new dentist panelists
- Dr. Sara May, OSF Resident
Dr. Shruti Pore, Private Practice
and 2014 OSF Residency Graduate
- Dr. Sue Bishop, panel moderator
Drs. Sue Bishop; Dr. Ian Montes, Shruti Pore,
Sara May, Ellen Hailemelecot
Dr. Larry Williams, IL AGD Immediate Past President
Dr. Larry Williams, Immediate Past President IL AGD and Assistant Professor, Midwestern University College of Dental Medicine has been very busy these past months. During the winter, he and MWU students, Ryan Morgan, Tim Doolin, Jeff Misner, and Stephanie Marquez participated in the 2016 Burnham Elementary School Career Fair.
MWU CODM-IL DMD-1 Students Ryan Morgan,
Tim Doolin, Jeff Misner, Stephanie Marquez,
and Dr. Larry Williams, Faculty MWU
A ban on the use of chewing tobacco in the city of Chicago at baseball games and other sporting events was the topic of discussion at the Chicago City Council’s Finance Committee meeting on March 11, 2016. U.S. Senator Dick Durbin, D-IL and Alderman Edward Burke, 14th District urged the committee to pass the Tobacco Free Baseball Ordinance that would ban smokeless tobacco at all professional and amateur sporting events in Chicago. Dr. Larry Williams, Assistant Professor, Midwestern University College of Dental Medicine-IL and Immediate Past President of the IL AGD was asked to testify at the committee hearing. “Smokeless tobacco destroys the mouth, and the younger you start, the more destruction that’s there and the longer you put cancer-causing chemicals in your mouth, the greater the risk,” Dr. Larry Williams of the Midwestern University College of Dental Medicine told aldermen at the hearing. “Our young people are going to emulate what they see and what they watch. I commend you for this wonderful opportunity to get it off the TV screen.” Due to the efforts of Senator Durbin and the expert testimony by the panelists the ordinance was voted out of the Finance Committee unanimously and moved to the full City Council on March 16th. It was approved by the full City Council as expected, so Chicago joins Los Angeles, San Francisco and Boston as cities with Major League Baseball teams that have banned chewing tobacco at sporting events. Dr. Williams attended the City Council session on March 16th as well. Click here to read Chicago Tribune article on the finance committee hearing.

Dr. Larry Williams testifying at the Chicago City Council Finance Committee
Dr. Larry Williams presented two AGD Fellowship Review Courses in New York and Ontario this spring. The Fellowship Review course helps candidates prepare for the 252-item multiple choice Fellowship exam that covers the knowledge, skills, and procedures in the 17 different areas of general dentistry. Many dentists who are not currently studying for the Fellowship Exam have attended this course and have found it to be an excellent review of general dentistry. The AGD Fellowship Award is given to those general dentists who have been AGD members for three continuous years, have earned 500 hours of approved CE, have passed the Fellowship Exam, and then attend an AGD Convocation ceremony held during the AGD annual meeting every year. Distinguish yourself professionally through quality continuing education with the AGD Fellowship Award. The Illinois AGD will be hosting the Fellowship Review course with Dr. Williams on April 21-22, 2017. More information will be on
Dr. Larry Williams,
IL AGD Imm. Past President
Dr. Larry Williams,
Presenter at NY AGD 2016 Fellowship Review Course
- Drs. Kulwant Turna, Larry Williams & Filippo
Welcome to our New Members!
Marwan Abbas
Tasami Abdelsalam
Ghada Adhami
Ahsan Ahmed
Asmaa Al-ani
Omar H. Alramli
James Appiah
Jaideep Atwal
Saliha Awais
Maria Lani Basco-Resurreccion
Jameson Baumgarten
Kassim Bazirgan
Jhared Black
Rebecca Canter
Diana Katerine Cardona Salazar
Patricia Casey
Kristy Cho
Asima Chughtai
Katy Correa
Fahad Dar
Kallie Delveaux
Alhareth Dhari
Viviana Duce
Michael Durr
Rhythm Fadia
Rita George
Dina Girgis
Yazdan Haider
Sara Haiderzad
Ellen Hailemelecot
Sumayya Hameed
Umar Haque
Marie Huguelet
Irfana Ilyas
Meghan Jennings
Tessa Johnson
Farai Kambasha
Mohammed Kashmoula
Anam Khan
Nabeela Khan
Risha Khan
Saraswati Koirola
John Lee
Marina Luna
Manali Madhavani
Navneet Mahal
Tamara Marjan
Arshad Mohammed
Alysha Moll
Kristina Noding
Modupe Ogunnusi Sofuye
Dipesh Patel
Luis Peralta
Long Pham
Jenna Polacek
Sucheta Raghavendra
Momina Rahman
Jessica Rhodes
George Rizkalla
Eddy Romero Matos
Brian Rybicki
Ali Sabbar
Faisal Saeed
Elena Saha
Naela Sayeeduddin
Aliaksandr Shabanovich
Betti Shahin
Arati Shrestha
Vidarshana Srinivasula
Deeptha Surampudi
Lijiljana Svjetlica
Lawrence Toledano
Danny Turner
Jose Valle
Kevin Wallace
Stephanie Ward
Winnie Wilson
DaeHyuk Yoon
ISDS Capital Conference
On April 7, 2016 over 200 Illinois State Dental Society dentists traveled to Springfield for the annual ISDS Capital Conference to meet with their legislators and discuss issues important to Illinois dentists and their patients. Some of these issues included the state of Illinois dental payment crisis, the major problems with the Medicaid Care Coordination Program, and the proposed cuts to adult dental Medicaid coverage. Dr. Sue Mayer, President IL AGD and Dr. Randall Ashton, Past President of the IL AGD attended the event. Brenden Moon, IL AGD Secretary and Dr. Spencer Bloom, IL AGD Board Member also attended. Dr. Ashton is the IL AGD representative on the ISDS Dent IL PAC and he presented a $1000 check to the Dent IL PAC on behalf of the IL AGD.
- Dave Marsh, Lobbyist ISDS with dental students in Senator Cullerton’s office
- Dental Students from SIU SDM in Alton
- Dental Students from UIC COD & SIU SDM
Dr. Randall Ashton presenting $1000 check
to Dent IL PAC on behalf of IL AGD
Dr. Sue Mayer, IL AGD President
with Representative Carol Sente (D) District 59
Dr. Sue Mayer, President IL AGD &
Dr. Randy Ashton, IL AGD Rep on the ISDS Dent IL PAC
Dr. Summerhays, ADA President addressing
the ISDS Capital Conference attendees
- IL Senator John Cullerton with dental students
- Illinois State Capital Ceiling
- Illinois State Dental Society Capital Conference
- MWU CDM-IL Students
Senator William Heine, District 56 (D)
addressing dental students
- SIU SDM Students
- UIC COD Dental Students