AGD Region 8-Illinois and Region 9-Wisconsin & Michigan celebrated their new Masters, Fellows and LLSR’s at a reception Friday, July 15th in Boston. Regional Directors, Dr. Robert Kozelka (Region 8) and Dr. John Olsen (Region 9) congratulated all the awardees. Members from other regions, including past presidents also came to visit and socialize. IL AGD looks forward to AGD2017 in Las Vega, July 13-15, 2017.
- Dr. Robert Kozelka, AGD RD and New Fellow, Dr. Samer Elbatanouny
- Dr. Robert Kozelka congratulating Dr. Don Rastede on acheiving his Mastertship in the AGD
- Dr. Paul Etchison, Dr. Samer Elbatanouny with Kimbra Bloom
- Dr. Don Rastede, new Master with his wife & Dr. Steve Petras, new LLSR
- Dr. Don Rastede and his wife with Dr. Sy Wachtenheim
- Dr. Brenden Moon and his wife, Jessica, Dr. Paul Etchison & Dr. Samer Elbatanouny
- Wisconsin & Illinois New Fellows and Masters at the Region 8 and 9 Reception
- Region 8 & 9 Reception with Drs. Carter Brown, Larry Smith, Doug Brown, John Olsen, Myron Bromberg, Faris Elias, Robert Kozelka
- Drs. Theresa Lao, IL & Dr. Louis Boryc, WI AGD
- Drs. Mohamed Harunani & Bob Kozelka with AGD Interim CFO Caroline Vullmahn
- Drs. Larry Smith and Doug Brown
- Dr. Spencer Bloom and his wife, Kimbra
- Dr. Sara Carroll and Jaime Petras, IL AGD Exec Secretary
- Dr. Ryan Vahdani, new IL Fellow & his wife, Inna with his brother Dr. Thomas Vahdani, new VA Master and his family
- Dr. Ryan Vahdani and his wife, Inna
- Dr. Robert Kozelka, IL AGD RD congratulating Dr. John Skreko on acheiving his AGD LLSR