February 24, 2016 was a brisk and windy day in Chicago, but that did not deter over 100 doctors, staff and exhibitors from coming to Illinois AGD’s 23rd Annual Ted Weclew Lecture. Dr. Paresh Shah, a general dentist from Winnipeg, Canada spoke on “Predictable Implant Aesthetics. The many aspects of restoring missing teeth with implants were discussed including: diagnosis, implant selection and placement, proper impressioning techniques, lab communication, abutement selection, tissue management and prosthetic design. Dr. Shah’s practice in Canada focuses on implant, cosmetic and interdisciplinary care. Many thanks to our sponsors for this program: GC, Sequoia Dental Labs, Mogo, Listerine, Ultralight Optics, Kettenbach, DDS refining, Solution Reach, PNC Bank and Dentist’s Advantage. Our next member benefit CE course “Implant Osteotomy Protocols & Handling Implant Complications will be held on June 17, 2016 in Schaumburg in conjunction with ImplantWide.
- Dr. Paresh Shah, Speaker Predictable Implant Esthetics
- Dr. Paresh Shah, Speaker Predictable Implant Esthetics
- Dr. Paresh Shah, Speaker Predictable Implant Esthetics
- Dr. Paresh Shah, Speaker Predictable Implant Esthetics
- Dr. Paresh Shah, Speaker with Dr. Cheryl Mora, IL AGD Past President and CE Chair
- Drs. Brenden Moon, IL AGD Secretary & Muzammil Saeed, IL AGD VP
- Drs. Paula Jones, Past President AGD & Sue Mayer, President IL AGD
- IL AGD 23rd Annual Ted Weclew Lecture with Dr. Paresh Shah
- Dr. Paresh Shah, Speaker Predictable Implant Esthetics
- MWU D-4’s Kristina Noding, Barbara Wegiel & Cassie Berens
- Sponsors from Kettenbach, Ultralight Optics and DDS Refining
- Drs. Spencer Bloom, Ray Moy, Dawn Silfies, Paul Obrock, Brenden Moon & Sue Bishop & Jamie Petra, Exc. Secretary
- IL AGD 23rd Annual Ted Weclew Lecture with Dr. Paresh Shah
- Drs. Theresa Lao, Scott Miller, Sy Wachtenheim, Joyce Gomez and Sara May
- Dr. Stephen Petras, President Elect IL AGD & Jamie Petras, IL AGD Exc. Secretary
- Drs. John Olsen, Mohamed Haruni, and Muzammil Saeed
- Jaime Petras, IL AGD Exc Secretary & Maureen Kugel, Exc Assistant and Treasury Assistant
- Dr. Raymond Moy with Heather Hauser, Listerine & Reach